Exciting News!
We recently heard that we’d been awarded a one-off grant of £1,000 by the Utley Foundation Power of Music fund. The Foundation generously offered these grants to all singing groups open to people living with memory loss. The intention is that they should ‘create joy’ – what a lovely aim! In our case they want us to buy keyboards for the new Earlham Library session and the NNUH hospital, to create and print new songbooks with more of the songs you’d like to sing, and for endless tea and coffee!
But there’ll still be money left over… Now we’re asking you for ideas. What could make Come Singing more life-enhancing? Events, visits, more biscuits??? As well as the Millennium Library and Earlham Library sessions, we also go to the NNUH and Julian hospitals and care homes – could we do more for them?
Also, we’re collecting new, favourite songs to put in a special celebratory Utley songbook. So it’s over to you, to put your thinking caps on, and let us know your thoughts and ideas on how we can create Musical Moments of Joy. Please send to Heather at heatheredwards.music@gmail.com